Many people have the misconception that the writing part of IELTS is very difficult. You can ace this difficult task just by following some tips and tricks. That is why, in this article, we will discuss how I can get 8 in the IELTS writing task. Actually, 8 band score in writing task 2 is a dream of almost every examinee. This article will definitely help you to get this.
Here, we will give some tricks and some practices. If you can maintain it properly, you obviously will be able to get your desired band score. So, without wasting your time, let’s get started.
IELTS Writing Task 2 Test Information
Before knowing the ways to get 8 in IELTS writing task 2, you should know the basic information of your test. It will also help you in preparing yourself for the exam.
First of all, you will get only 40 minutes for writing task 2. The time management will be totally up to you. In this test, you need to write a minimum of 250 words. IELTS writing task 2 will be 66% of your total writing task. There you will be marked on grammar (25%), vocabulary (25%), task response (25%), coherence, and cohesion (25%).
IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Structure
Now let’s talk about the question structure. In this task, you have to write a formal essay. There are some specific categories of these essays. These are as follows:
Agree or Disagree Essays
This one is the most common type of question that comes in IELTS writing task 2. Here, you have to give an opinion. Here, you may find some typical words like, what is your opinion? Do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree or disagree? An example can help you to understand clearly.
Sample Question:
A handsome salary is more significant than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree
After you read the statement, you should think about whether you agree or disagree with the statement. You should choose one side and write why you are supporting your choice. Whichever side you take, make sure you give stronger points perfectly in your point of view.
Furthermore, make sure you keep the opinion you took first the same throughout the essay and give all the reasons for what you have taken this side of the argument. Do not give your opinion unless the question specifically asks for it.
Discussion Essays
You may predict that how can be the discussion essays. Actually, here, you have to discuss both sides of the arguments and then give your own opinion if asked.
Sample question:
Many people think that zoos should be closed, while others say zoos have a good impact on society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
For answering this kind of question, you have to discuss both sides of the argument. You can talk about the positives of the topic then the negative, or vice versa. However, if the question does not ask to provide your opinion, then you should not state your opinion.
While answering questions like these, you must write about both views. Only writing about one side can deduct your marks.
Problem Solution Essays
This type of essay is also called the cause and solutions or problem essays. In this type of question, you will get a question like,
Sample Questions:
Overpopulation is a major problem in Bangladesh. What are the causes of this? How can it be solved?
To answers this type of question, don’t make lots of causes and solutions. Pick the most significant one or two and then develop them fully. Make sure you pick that problem that has a real solution. If you take many causes and solutions, you will not be able to explain any of those within your time limit.
Advantage Disadvantage Essays
Here, you will first find a statement and then be asked to write both the advantages and disadvantages. Some typical words you may find in this type of question like, what are the advantages or disadvantages? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion. Let’s see some sample questions.
Sample Question:
Technologies are very available everywhere now. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this easy availability?
These types of questions are similar to agree or disagree questions. You have to state both sides. In case the question states to provide your opinion, you must give your opinion on the statement; otherwise, don’t. You should include one or two examples in support of the advantages or disadvantages.
Double Question Essays
Here, obviously, you will get two questions to answer. You will have one statement with two different questions. Let’s check out an example.
Sample Question:
In both the education and working sectors, some people work harder than others. Why some people work harder? Is it good for those who are working harder?
Here, you have to answer both of the questions fully. Don’t develop too many ideas here. Just answer both of the questions according to the statement briefly in the body, and in conclusion, summarize both questions and answers.
How can I get 8 in IELTS Writing Task 2?
Now you know that how you will write different categories’ essays. Let’s have some other significant tips that will help you get 8 in IELTS writing task 2. These are as follows:
The answer should be fully relevant to the question
write any unnecessary things in the answer. All ideas should be fully related to the question. Don’t write a memorized essay. Try to use examples with your every idea.
Write in an organized way
Your answer pattern should be very organized. Like, you are answering to the advantage-disadvantages essay. Here, the introduction will be the first paragraph, then advantages, after in third paragraph disadvantages, and then a conclusion.
Answer all parts of the question
You have to answer all the parts of the question to get the best mark. In the case of a double question essay, you have to prioritize both questions. The same thing will be applicable for the advantages-disadvantages paragraph.
Use uncommon vocabulary with correct spelling
Try to use some uncommon words to get a good mark. It will good for your impression of the examiner. At the same time, you have to be correct in your spelling.
Use a variety of sentence structure
Using only simple sentences will make your answer monotonous. That is why you should use differently structured sentences in your essay.
Revise everything
After completing your essay, you need to check every key thing in your essay, including task response, grammatical accuracy, lexical resource, Coherence, and cohesion, etc.
Final Words
Well, this was mainly our discussion about how can I get 8 in IELTS writing task 2. Surely, you have found every needed thing of you in this article. If you completely follow our given instructions, you will definitely get your desired band score.
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